Thursday, September 13, 2012

5th Sept

t was goodbye to Kakadu and onwards to Katherine where we would top up with Fuel and Groceries then carry on.

We left our camp site and hit the road. We made good time to Katherine, then after a bite to eat and shopping we headed Westward.
We travelled most of the day through pretty ordinary country until we got to timber Creek and decided to call it a day and book into the local Caravan park. It wasnt a hard decision as it was hot and the park had power so we could run the A/Con. The bonus was we didnt have to un hook the caravan

The Famous!! Timber Creek Hotel.
The next day we headed off and stopped at the Victoria river for a leg stretch and a look. A big River with a large bridge leading to a Military training area.

From here the countryside changed and became very Hilly and spectacular in places.

                                        Until we came to the West Australia Border control.

Here we had to wait while they inspected the car and Van for illegal fruit and Veg. We had to hand over some Oranges,a couple of wilted lettuce leaves and a pot of Honey with about 2 mm in the bottom. We were prepared and had eaten all the Apples and most of the Oranges and left the Honey so they had something to grab to justify their jobs.
Then we were on our way into Western Australia.
We started seeing Baob trees which we had never seen before, beside the road. Apparently they had come to Australia as seeds from Madagascar across the sea hundreds of thousands of years ago and spread across the Northern part of Australia, by Wallabies and Birds.

These are the trees they say grow upside down as they shed their leaves in the dry season and the branches look like roots sticking up. Not hard to imagine when you see them. There are some Historic ones later on in the trip.
Next stop Lake Argyle,but that's for next time.
Dave and Helen

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