Friday, December 21, 2012

2nd Dec

The next day we motored on, until we got to the Great Australian Bight Marine Park.

It was here at the lookout that we had a meeting with the Law!!
Fortunately they were friendly guys and had just piloted a couple of Cat dump trucks to the WA border, and were on their way home.  They kindly took our photo and this was the first time we have had our photo taken by the Police!!

They didn't do a bad job either.
The cliffs seem to go on forever up the Coast looking East.
A stop at the Nullarbor Road house to top up the Fuel. You only put in enough to get you to the next big town where hopefully the price is a bit cheaper.

By the way if you wondered what Nullarbor means, well Null is No,  Arbor is tree.
See what it means! No trees!

We arrived at the Whale watch centre at the Head of the Bight and though it wasn't Whale season we though it worth a look.

Of course you had to pay but being a Senior does have its advantage at times like this.

 The Cliffs looking West.

And looking East to where we were headed. During the Whale season you can see heaps of them from here and well worth a visit apparently.
The next stop was Ceduna at the end of the big trek and a Border check point for Fruit and Veg.
We had eaten all the fruit but still had a few veges left so what do you do?

You cook up a Roast on the side of the road to use them up of course.
Very nice it was too!!
We still had a dry old Lettuce that we gave them as we went through and they seemed happy with that. I figure if you give them something it stops them looking for anything else.

From Ceduna we headed down the Eyre Peninsula as we hadn't done this before. We probably wouldn't do it again as the place is covered in Wheat as far as the eye can see.
There was one interesting spot to break the tedium of the wheat, and that was
Murphy's Haystacks.

An unusual series of Rock formations sitting in the middle of nowhere being sculptured by the wind.

They are not small rocks either.

Next its on to Port Lincoln at the foot of the Peninsula.
Cheers Dave and Helen.

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