Friday, November 23, 2012

31st Oct

Back in Freemantle there was one thing left to do, and that was a visit to the Freemantle jail.
We were told it was An interesting place with lots of history.
 The imposing entrance through which a lot of prisoners marched in ,but some didn't march out of, was built in 1855. The clock was fitted later in 1856 as it wasn't made in time (pun?)

                                              This is the inner gate into the Prison proper.

                                A bit of potted history about the building. Click on it to enlarge.

 Inside the Courtyard with the Chapel on the right and one of the Cell blocks behind it.

The Chapel is interesting, as the top window on the right,when you get the light in the right place has an outline of a Woman in it. Now the last Woman to be hanged there bears a striking likeness to the image in the window. A bit spooky!! You cant see the impression from the inside.

 This is inside one of the Cell blocks,three levels of it. I bet it was noisy at times. The Mesh was put in after a Prisoner did a Swan dive from the top Balcony and killed himself.

                          This is one of the exercise yards with the Guards box at the end looking down.

                           One of the old cells with a Hammock and washbasin but not much else.These         were later updated to make them a bit more comfortable.

 The notice tells you about the paintings on the wall of this cell and a few others were painted as well. One was painted by an Aboriginal in the traditional way and was quite colourful. Apparently they were allowed to paint the cells only when the Prison was about to close,otherwise it would have been classed as damaging public property.

Our guide for the tour was a guy named Deans,who gave a very witty and informative talk on all aspects of Prison life and the History of the place. He was an ex Prison Supervisor so new his stuff. The frame behind him was used for the administration of the Cat o nine tails. The prisoners were strapped to the frame and whipped!! Not a great place to have a holiday in the old days.

This area is the end of the line for some who didn't walk out of the place. You could either sit or stand 

                Enough of the Prison, next we are off to Hong Kong to see family up there.
Helen and Dave

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