23rd June
On the way out of the Park we stopped off for a cup of Coffee and some Mango Cheesecake at the Litchfield Cafe. It was nice, but not worth the $17.00 we paid for it. Oh well we were in the wop wops I suppose. It was nice sitting out under the Trees though.
Anyhow on the way out we passed the turnoff to the Lost City. It sounded intriguing but it was 10.5km in, on a dirt track and the day was getting on,but we decided to do it anyway.
After 1km Helen was ready to turn back as the ruts were quite bad and we seemed to be heading into the Never Never, but being the intrepid explorer that I am, we continued. Its awhile since I did some serious 4 wheel driving. Helen Gritted her teeth (grit being the operative word here) and we carried on. It took us 45 min to do the 10.5 km but it was worth it. We saw a scruffy Dingo on the way in but not much else.
Here are a few photos of the place.
The Sun was low on the horizon,there was no one else within miles,not a sound but the sigh of the wind and I swear I could hear a Banjo playing a familiar tune!!
A very spooky place in the bush.
As we were about to leave a young couple arrived and it looked like they were going to spend the night there. Rather them than us.
After another rough trip out we got back to camp at Adelaide River and a Ten dollar Roast.
Not a bad feed and just the Vege fix Helen was after.
Just as an after thought,a bit of bush Poetry on the back of the Dunny door. Take heed!!
And as the Sun sinks slowly in the West, we bid you a fond farewell and will you join us as we travel North next time on our way to Darwin.
Bugger me!!
Cheers Helen and Dave
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