Monday, June 18, 2012

6th June.

Into the Lawn Hill National Park.

From Gregory Downs we did a day trip into the Lawn Hill National Park. The road was great up to the Century Mine turn off, then deteriorated from there on. A bit of a Goat track in parts and I don't think I'd have liked taking the Caravan in there.
With the Rain they have had, there was some pretty deep ruts in the road.
We went in with our Friends Di and Warwick in their Pajero and powered through a rather deep puddle with rather good results.

It looked like a real outback vehicle. It did wash off in the River the next day.
The first place you come to is Adel's Grove camping ground, on the edge of the Park.

They have tent like accommodation, as well as sites for Caravans. Looks like a nice place to stay.
From there on we entered the Lawn Hill National park.
We did the walk around the top of the Gorge about 3 Km and it was spectacular.

A bit of a Scramble up some of the parts,but not too bad.

Looking down into the Gorge was Vertigo territory,right on the edge.

In the last photo we are sitting about a metre from the edge of a vertical drop into the Gorge.
Gave you a funny sensation and you just wanted to move away. I don't normally get like this (Vertigo)but it was a long way down there.
After the walk we had lunch then hired a Canoe and went for a paddle up the Gorge.

There are some spectacular cliffs that go straight down into the water.

Well that's enough for one night,more tomorrow.
Cheers,Dave and Helen

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