Saturday, October 13, 2012

24th Sept

After getting set up at Exmouth, we had a look around the area. On entering the town we passed this sign.
One of the most colour full seen so far and a good indication of what to expect of the town.
A nice bright clean place with a good feel to it, we liked the place.
We went for a ride out to the Vlamingh Head to see the Light house.
A nice spot over looking the sea and in the distance the Whales passing by.

If you look close you can see the white from the spout. I know its a long way away but I had Binoculars so I know it was a whale, 2 actually.
In the Early days Exmouth was an American Installation for a Radio interception and monitoring base during the Cold war with Russia. The large Ariel array is still there and being used by the Australian Navy for I guess the same thing but not necessarily the same target.

During the Second World War a warning Radar was erected on top of the hill and some of it still stands,including sandbags that were filled and placed there in Feb 1943.


                                        I couldn't resist this shot,I thought it came out quite well.

                         On returning to the Camp we met some of the locals, Emus at their finest.
         They had found a puddle of water and were having a bit of a play as it was quite hot.

 Well that's it for now, more of Exmouth next post.
Cheers Dave and Helen

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