Tuesday, October 23, 2012

30th Sept

On to the Quobba Coast and the Blowholes. The Quobba Coast is where one of the Farmers from Farmer wants a wife Comes from,(not that I watch the the show) and his place was about 8km from where we were. No we didn't go and have a look! We set up camp just behind the Sand hills out of the wind and settled in.

               There's that bus again. A nice spot to take a breather and stop travelling.
                We went for a walk down the Beach and found this pool with a few fish in it.

A little hard to see but the photo was taken from on top of a cliff looking down into the water.
The Coast around this area is very spectacular with red cliffs and crashing waves.

And then there was the Blowhole,in fact one big one and some smaller ones further out from the shore.

                            Quite spectacular and very wetting if you don't watch yourself.

              There were some nice Sunsets as well to add to the 100s taken so far this trip.

While we were there Steve and Karen another Couple we met along the way were putting on a Birthday bash for Steve. We were invited along with Tony and Chris.

Tony and Chris (of the Bus) on the right and Steve,the Birthday boy, and Karen on the left.

3rd October

From the Quobba Coast we headed for Denham and Monkey Mia. On the way we stopped for the night at a lookout on top of a Hill with commanding views.
 We had to park the Car and Caravan with their backs to the wind to stop it rocking around.
                                                       That's my story anyhow!

                                                      Another great place for Sunsets.

                            Overlooking all this was a small group keeping and eye on things.

 There was a couple of RIPs amongst the group so we were not sure what it was all in aid of.
                 Maybe someones shrine to a friend that subsequent visitors have added to.

                               A long and lonely vigil for those poor little Gnome people.

With that I will leve and next time Denham and Monkey Mia.
Helen and Dave

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